What is conceptualization and why do you need it?

Building or redesigning an LMS is a project that requires thorough planning. What use cases should it accommodate? What are your objectives? How to achieve them with the utmost efficacy? Conceptualization answers exactly that. During this phase, you validate the project’s idea and lay the foundation for the whole future development:

  • determine your organization’s main goals and your users’ needs;
  • estimate resources that you have, choose the tech stack;
  • design the architecture and infrastructure with all the necessary integrations;
  • map user profiles and learning paths;
  • design the platform;
  • assess the scope of work, set deadlines, and prepare developer documentation.

Whether you want to redesign an existing LMS or build a brand-new platform, the conceptualization phase eliminates the risk of wasting efforts, time, and money on a wrong solution.

How does the conceptualization phase take place?

Our conceptualization phase consists of two stages:


In the Discovery stage, we bring together all the project stakeholders at several face-to-face or remote workshops to identify your project's expectations, objectives, and potential.

We consider all the different user scenarios from the learner's, trainer's, and manager's standpoint; decide what key interfaces, profiles, and personas should be in place; examine authoring tools, different possible formats, the average training duration, the number of skills targeted, the training objectives in terms of quantity and quality, etc.

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ruler and pencil


In the Feasibility stage, we involve our technical teams, project manager, architect, and senior developer to ensure the project's feasibility, map necessary system integrations, and estimate the implementation timeframe.

Our UX/UI and Content Creation teams produce interactive mock-ups and training module templates according to the criteria discussed during the Discovery phase.

The result is a complete roadmap for a YOU-CENTRIC e-learning platform

Opigno LMS can be adapted into a completely customized platform that meets your organization's unique requirements and learning culture and reflects your brand identity, learning methods, and work processes.

We will find the best tools, integrations, and practices to ensure your LMS is as perfect for you and your learners as it can be. All that is left to do is to develop your ultimate LMS following the plan.

Trusted by governments and leading organizations across the world

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Let's have a chat

Over the decade, we have worked with clients of all sizes across all industry sectors and can easily make your vision of LMS a success story. Book a call with our experts to learn more about Opigno's conceptualization services.

Start the LMS development journey right to realize all the possibilities of your future e-learning platform.